Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Lorax, Chinese Food, and Rain.

    Yesterday was a rainy day, so I went and saw The Lorax with my friends Meghan and Justin, and Justin's son Uriah who's three. It was a great movie in my opinion! Adorable and funny for people of all ages, and had a great message about protecting our Earth. It did however have a strong opinion against companies of any kind. It surprised me how strongly it spoke out against it in a kids movie! Either way, I still enjoyed it. 
    Afterwards we went back to Meghan and Justin's home (who are dating) and watched cartoons, ate fantastic Chinese food, and did some painting.  Uriah is the smartest little boy I know! He listens so well, and talks pretty fluently for a 3 year old.
    Then I went to my boyfriend Pete's house for the night. We watched some TV and talked about a couple of things. He's a bit of a worry wort when it comes to me. I love him though. I know I do. It's been a while since I've been in love. He's pretty fantastic. Treats me the best I've ever been treated. I'm lucky to have him. :]

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